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2019 Disciple Building Challenge

“And the LORD God said, “ It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”

~ Genesis 2:18 NKJV

Happy 2019! What does the new year hold for you? Are you longing for something new, better, different? Are you tired of relationships that drain life out of you? Want to make decisions that will transform 2019 from dead to lively, from flat to full, from just another year to your best year yet? Want to cultivate kingdom relationships that bring you into your destiny. Want to make the best out of your current relationships? The kingdom of God has been divided long enough. We have no one to blame but ourselves. God would have it that we would actually love one another.

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”

~ John 13:34 NKJV

This is a commandment...we are to love one another. We often be tripping...we are called by God to genuinely and sincerely care for one another. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like their style of music, their football team, their politics or even their personality. It takes all kinds to make a family. It takes all different skills and personalities to develop a winning team. And it takes all kinds to build and establish Kingdom of God. It is time for the church to be the church. And stop being like the world.

God speaks to Adam and says it’s not good that you would be alone. God is not necessarily talking about marriage here. So often, preachers imply this scripture text is communicating that we are called to be married. There are so biblical examples of individuals being single. But what God is talking about the call to human relationships. God made us in such a way that we need other people. We need the interaction of others. God knows we grow and cultivate best in healthy community-relationships. And the devil will tell us no we don’t. It’s crazy how people claim to be loners today...and isolate themselves from others. And say, they don’t need anybody. This is a strategy of the enemy to keep us from the will of God.

All through scripture, we see examples of people living their lives together and their destiny were tied together. Jesus and the disciples...Jesus and John the Baptist...Ruth and Naomi...Elijah and Elisha...Paul and Silas...Paul and Barnabas...Paul and Timothy...just to name a few. So many people want to cut ties and walk away from someone God has brought into your life. Why would anyone walk away from people that love them unconditionally? Why would anyone think they need to leave a connection to find a better connection? That’s not biblical, and it’s not the will of God. Cutting the wrong ties may lead you to a wilderness experience.

Depression, suicide and mental health illnesses are at the highest levels in human history. I believe much of it is because of our cell phones, video games, and 24 hours cable television services which are destroying relationships. We have learned how to hang out with ourselves and our devices. When God tells us, it’s not good that man should be alone.

We need people in our lives that are further along than us, people that have a bigger vision, people that are more experienced, people that are out of our league. We also need to be exposed to new experiences so that we can go to new heights and another level. Every man ought to be invested in...and every man ought to invest in somebody. We all need four fundamental relationships in our lives to become what God desires us to be and fulfill our destiny. Here there are:

• Everyone needs a Paul. We all need someone to look up to that will guide us, teach us, show us, lead us, speak to us, to challenge us and to model faith before us. This person will help us to walk with God. We are trying to go where he is. Nobody walks allow.

• Everyone needs a Timothy. We all need someone that we are pouring into. We need someone that is watching us and looking to us as a man of God. Because someone is watching us, we make better decisions and choices. This person reminds us of where we had been. We realize we are not living alone and they hold us accountable in a unique way. And that it is only by the grace of God, where we are now.

• Everyone needs a Barnabas. We all need a friend, peer, colleague and/or companion. We need someone to hang out with but also challenges us to be godly. We don’t look up to them like a Paul, and this person does not look up to us like a Timothy. This relationship is built on equality and mutual respect. We can share our heart, and there is no judgment.

• Everyone needs a Peter. We all need some non-believers in our lives. We need people to pray for, to love and to pour into, and to lead to Christ. Jesus came among the unsaved. Jesus didn’t isolate himself from those that didn’t believe as he did. However, he is sharpened and strengthen with his inter-relationship with those that have yet to believe. The unsaved reminds that we were not always saved ourselves. And they are people also.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

~ John 3:16 NKJV

Loving and working around a variety of people keeps us in the grace of Christ. What the Lord did for us on Calvary is what we are to do for each other. We must die so others may live. Make this a great year by loving, working and respecting everyone. And remember you need a Paul, a Timothy, a Barnabas and a Peter in your life to transition you into your destiny. Remember this journey is not for loners. God blessed...and see you next time.


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